HomeContent Marketing3 Writing Mistakes to Avoid as an Online Writer

3 Writing Mistakes to Avoid as an Online Writer

I’ve been writing online for over four years without any formal writing or business qualifications. In fact, I learned everything I know from strangers online. But here’s the thing. Most people fail at content writing, not because they’re bad writers. It’s because they make one of these writing mistakes.

I made the same mistakes for years without realizing it. Since I’ve evolved, my writing has improved insanely, which helped me earn my first $100.

Now, in this blog, I want to share the top 3 writing errors you need to avoid as an online writer so you can write better and start earning ASAP:

1. Not Editing Enough – One of the Biggest Writing Mistakes

a corporate woman with macbook on a laptop

When you first start writing, you’ll write way too much. I get it – you want to include every benefit and feature. Give your audience as much value as possible.

But this is almost always the wrong way. Time is precious and that compels you to keep your writing clear and concise.

So, here are my three writing tips you need to emulate?

  • Brain dump your ideas at the start
  • Edit ruthlessly
  • Cut out at least 50%.

2. Not Listening to Your Audience

The quickest way to become a better writer is simple. Listen to feedback. That’s why journaling at home every day helps you avoid writing errors.

You need to put it out there for people to critique. Make note of what gains the most impressions and study the reasons why and then iterate.

Otherwise, you’ll write dull, cliché content that nobody wants to read.

a woman with laptop smiling after removing writing mistakes

3. Not Learning From Others

Writing online is lonely but the most successful entrepreneurs do networking. Engage with other people.

Learn from larger creators. Reverse engineer their writing and then incorporate what works into your own. Over time you will develop your own unique style that is free of writing errors.

Wrap Up

The above are the main points regarding writing mistakes. Now, you can avoid them and save YEARS in your writing journey. Which writing mistake are you guilty of the most?

Isabelle Catoni
Isabelle Catoni
Isabelle is a blogger and a professional SEO content writer. She has a degree in finance but her passion for playing with words forced her to become a writer. In her free time she loves exploring AI developments.


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